Standard Dentiform ANKA-4
Dental model representing typical natural adult dentition:
Model base made from a hard thermosetting plastic material. Upper and lower jaws occlude in a definite central occlusion with natural physiological contact points. 28 model teeth made of hard thermosetting plastic material are securely positioned in the model with Philips head screws. ANA-4 dental models include a threaded metal back plate for screw retention or optional retention with a magnetic mounting plate in frasaco phantom heads.
• Anatomical crown and occlusal contours based on the function and morphology of natural teeth
• Natural occlusal contour based on a representative cross section of different distinctive contour characteristics
• Anterior tooth contours are aesthetic and functional
• Natural anatomical cervical root contour
• Neutral intercuspidation according to the international classification of Angle Class I
• Physiological interproximal space contoured according to the average dentition of a middle-aged adult
• Wilson, Spee and helicoid curves 3 dimensionally reproduced
• Option of performing different dynamic occlusion concepts like canine guidance or unilateral group function
• Replica gingiva with natural palatal folds, buccal and lingual anatomical simulation
Elastic, removable gingiva
Main use: