Disaster Solution

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  • Disaster Solution

[Pail Toilet] 재해/재난용 간이 화장실

  • [Pail Toilet] 재해/재난용 간이 화장실
  • 제조사
  • 간이 화장실 제품으로, 대,소변의 처리를 간단하지만 위생적으로 할 수 있는 제품입니다. 재난/재해 상황 외에도 다양한 대형 야외 행사에서 사용하고 있습니다.







When catastrophe strikes, people can be left without any food, water, or shelter for days on end. Emergency kits for food and water already exist and are commonly used, but an emergency kit for going to the bathroom is not quite as common. An easy, compact and light kit, the Pail Toilet Kit is already used by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition team and in various eco-friendly events. It was also used during the Great East Japan Earthquake in emergency shelters and the product has been since adopted by various Japanese Prefectural governments.


In Antarctica

The toilet is also used in extreme conditions and temporary settings. Most notably, it has was used by the 44th Antarctic Research Expedition in 2002 more than 10 years, and more recently in the 2013 during the Hasegawa Tsuneo CUP, a mountain endurance race.



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