Medical Education

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  • Medical Education

Robotix Mentor(로봇수술 시뮬레이터)

  • Robotix Mentor(로봇수술 시뮬레이터)
  • 제조사
  • 로봇수술(Davinci) 시뮬레이터로, Intuitive Surgical社의 Davinci X/Xi 모델에 당사의 기본 모듈이 몇가지 내장되어 있습니다. 로봇수술을 위한 기본 술기, 필수 술기 실습 외에도 자궁절제술(hysterotomy), 폐 수술(Lobectomy), 서해부 탈장(Inguinal Hernia), 전립술 수술(Radical Prostatectomy) 등의 술기 훈련을 할 수 있습니다.

    데모 문의 주시기 바랍니다.





State-of-the-art Stand-alone Simulation for the Training of Robotic Assisted Surgery

  • The most realistic representation of robotic surgery hand movements with accurate robotic kinematics, tools and workspace.
  • Surgeons’ console provides authentic representation of the robotic surgeon’s workspace, master controllers and pedals.
  • A 3D HD stereoscopic personal display exhibits life-like graphics.
  • Adjustable elements enable a comfortable and ergonomic working position.
  • An additional monitor for the instructor may be positioned separately for best group viewing.



Optimal Team Training – RobotiX Mentor with LAP Mentor Express


Team training option enabled by incorporation of the LAP Mentor Express to allow the surgical assistant to collaborate with the robotic surgeon in practice, as in real procedures. The primary surgeon and the laparoscopic assistant practice the skills together in the same training environment and actively affect simulation, in order to improve communication skills and synchronization within the team.



Team training is available for basic skills tasks and clinical procedure modules. The assistant can practice laparoscopic skills relevant for working with the robotic surgeon such as object transfers and handoffs, removal of objects from the operative field through the assisting trocars, retraction, suction/irrigation, clip applying and stapling. Comprehensive reports detail the performance of both the robotic surgeon and the assistant.